Helping people recognize pneumonia is a big issue

Young Lions Health 2017 Brief: Develop an awareness campaign for pneumonia in young children living in third world countries.

Clients: La Caixa & UNICEF

Cannes Young Lion Health campaign partnering with La Caixa bank and UNICEF to raise awareness for childhood pneumonia during World Pneumonia Day on November 12th.

Copywriter - Matei Stefanescu
Art Director - Cole Clapshaw


Hands-on Art

I needed a powder looking font for a project, so I decided to create my own Dish Soap San Serif font. And then I bumped the table with my knee and created Comic Sans Demi Bold. But hey, two fonts for the price of one.


Communication Design

Flier design for future Wunderman Seattle interns. Easter-egg words do exist. 

Tips for Inclusion

Boxed Water Promo

A small project done in college to raise awareness of Boxed Water and how its packaging design will bring individual purchasable water into a sustainable future.